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Krystal Cheng
22nd August
I'm a little Acrophobic, Claustrophobic and Nyctophobic

-My loves~
Linkin Park's songs!!
My Family
My Friends
Raining days
White roses
Patrick Star~
Watching anime
Small fluffy animals

Being disturb when I'm sleeping
Being annoyed
loud noises
very crowded areas


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Raymond Sim
Ex-Class blog
Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend. Friend.

Designer: Yorksun.
Background: xxx
Saturday, November 13, 2010; 1:37 pm
I think maybe I'm changing to tumblr... hmmm... anyway came to post about my cat. Her birthday just passed, it was on 9/11~ So she's officially 1years old! YEAH! Busy with my end of year project. Going for a vacation during the decembers, hope it goes well. Okay so that's about it. I forgot what I was going to say....

Saturday, September 18, 2010; 8:46 pm
So my brother, sister and I were going to watch a movie. Last Thursday, we were late cause of bus, I suggest that we watch on Saturday. Everyone agreed and we wait. Today afternoon when we went there, we weren't late at all, lucky us. We got the tickets, food and drinks. Then we wait for about 30mins for the seating. The people in front of us just went straight through, the person ripping the tickets didn't even bother to look at them, they were so caught up in talking. So when it was our turn, guess what? They suddenly stopped talking and look at us. Then suddenly the girl becomes a good hardworking employee and decided that we need to prove we're all above 16. WTF is this. Before that they don't give a damn about the world, when it's our turn she wants a check?! My brother and I brought our ez-link so no problem for us, but my sister didn't bring hers (no money inside so didn't bother to bring). Then I told her that cause there was no more money inside so she didn't bring, but the girl flat out refused to let us in to watch the movie. SHE KNEW WE HAD BEEN WAITING FOR A FULL 30MINUTES JUST TO GO IN! SHE WAS THERE THE WHOLE TIME! STILL SHE REFUSED TO LET US IN. IT'S NOT LIKE THE MOVIE IS CROWDED OR SOMETHING! THERE IS OBVIOUSLY ONLY LIGHT VIOLENCE IN THE MOVIE! (I checked) STILL SHE REJECTED OUR ENTRY. She said she could give us a refund, or we could change our movie passes to other movie, guess what? THOSE FREAKING MOVIES SHE SUGGESTED ALREADY STARTED HALF AN HOUR AGO! SHE EXPECT US TO WATCH A MOVIE THAT HAS ALREADY BEGUN PLAYING?! AT LEAST SUGGEST SOMETHING BETTER! IF YOU'RE NOT KEEN ON SUGGESTING BETTER MOVIES THEN DON'T BOTHER DOING IT!
When she said we can't and refuse to let us in, in my mind I was thinking "FUCK!" We were all ready and excited to watch the movie only to be rejected cause of a stupid thing? GTH! Damn pissed! We had a refund and went home, on the way to the bus interchange, I lost my appetite for the pop corns so I just dump it, was my $5, she should give me a refund for my pop corn too. My sister threw away her nachos and drink, another $7.50 down the bin. And before we left, I really think I heard them discussing about the incident with us. Well, I should file a complain, five people gathering at the entrance while only one is the person doing the ripping.
Before we left, I purposely said "Too bad, looks like we'll have to wait for free ones that will be circulating around the Internet soon." Yeah, they heard me and stopped talking for a moment, but I don't care. If they think we're going to come back next time with everything ready then they're darn wrong. I think the DVD version should be out in Thailand, I'll have it soon and it's so much cheaper than going to the cinemas. If the cinemas closes down because of this, blame someone else, I only bought it cause it's cheaper. Who can resist stuff that is cheap and can be re-watched over and again until the disk breaks? Definitely not from the cinemas.

Friday, September 10, 2010; 9:30 pm
These are probably the three most important things to look forward to in my life:
1. The next time I'm going to get all the blame AGAIN
2. Turning my siblings and myself into PERFECT children
3. Earn money so that EVERYONE will be happy

So before you leave,you need someone to vent your anger on the perfect target? Me, obviously. Then when you're done spoiling my mood you leave with a 'bang'. Then what? I turn perfect? Of course not. Then you'll come back next time and give me another round of this useless bullshit. Until I become 'like you' or one shot off the 'perfect child' mark. Ya, all these fucking shit that's not going to do anything good but spoil my mood just seems so amusing to you. When you're happy, make fun of me and my life. Not happy, blame all the fucking thing you can think of at me. What a great life you have, a person born to be you punching bag from day 1. When you come back and get angry, shout my name so that I can take everything. All my fault. Then later you say cause I'm the most mature among my siblings. What shit is this, if you don't bother thinking a better reason just say it, always the same reason, not bored?
If you want to come back to a great home, call 3days before then I can get everything ready for you. I can even get my siblings to 'study' until you're gone just so you can be happy. You suddenly pop over and expect a clean house? What the fuck? Fuck this shit. Then I become a selfish child, then another whole row of fucking problems comes up again. Clean up the house and it takes only a few days to have an even coating of dust all over, you can come again at that time and then say we didn't do a shit to take care of the house. When we do a good clean up, where the fuck are you? At home doing whatever the shit you're doing. Why don't you visit when we had a good clean up? Always come at the most unexpected hours and want a sparkling looking place. Get real. The house will always get dirty again, since when will it ever be clean? You give me the date and I'll prepare for it to magically turn clean.
Then I'm in-charge of my siblings. You want her to get As, get her to start study because she wants to. She does want to save herself, then it becomes my problem. If she starts studying seriously, I'll gladly help her in her studies. I'm suppose to push her to study when she has no interest? I had no interest in studying too, no one helped me. I push myself to study. She doesn't have the drive, what am I suppose to do? You think I feel happy when I know she'll end up in normal soon? You think I'll be boasting to my friends saying that I'm the only one in the family that goes to express? You think I'm just another selfish bitch that's waiting for her to die? You don't know anything about me, you just ASSUME you do. Then you try to bend me to be your ideal child. I'm not even your child, can't you fucking give me a break.
So this is my answer to you: You want a perfect child? Get your own child, then you can train him/her to be perfect. You can scold the shit out of him/her in front of me and I don't give a damn. You can also say "When you grow up, don't be like your useless cousin that is selfish and can't do a shit. I don't fucking care what the fuck you say to your child next time, you can bad mouth me or whatever in front of them so they can look down on me. I don't care. That's how I am, not happy? Your problem, solve it yourself.
When you die, you can go down and tell the dead that you tried and then I'll go down and get trashed. Whatever.
I don't even know why the fuck am I writing in good english when I'm so fucking pissed. Fuck this piece of shit post. Don't ever comment on this fuck post until a week is over. Except Vanessa.

Monday, August 30, 2010; 7:50 pm
Okay so tomorrow I will be doing my presentation for Primer 1. Then soon Primer 2 will be here... Damn it! After Primer 2, there'll be a final project... So draggy and stressful! At the start of the year end holidays, I'll be going to China for a trip :D Hope nothing happens... Vanessa still haven't gimme the date for the jacket... Ahhh... !@#$#$@#$!@ Haiz... I dunno what to do now...

Friday, August 27, 2010; 10:38 am
I just remembered something funny. A few weeks ago, my lecturer said something funny, "Look at your drawing, don't you feel like killing yourself?" When I heard it, I was thinking "WTH...?!" That was SUCKY TO THE MAX! The way he said it makes the sentence sound so funny. I know I shouldn't be laughing at people's misery, but that was really funny... I didn't stand up to see who got that scolding because I need to respect people's privacy, so I'll be laughing at some unknown person...
The jacket money is still with me. Vanessa! When are we going to buy the jacket!! I feel so cold in class everyday, I want the comfy jacket soon!!!
I'm feeling so sucky cause I'm doing Primers... Damn I think there's going to be a Primers 2... Super sucky...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010; 9:08 am
Birthday coming up in 4days. Seriously though, my primers is only half done. I need to return to school tomorrow to get a circle template which i forgot, powerpoint not done yet, design journal half done, haven't started colouring the plan... So the summary work is only half done... 2nd week almost over soon. For the last week I should be left with touch up on powerpoint and colouring. I'm not sure if the studio is open on the 3rd week cause I can't submit powerpoint at home. If the studio isn't open that means trouble for me... Darn, at the opening of the school I have to dress up formal for the presentation. Sigh... I gotta meet up with someone to do touch up on powerpoint together or else my powerpoint is gonna be substandard. Oh well, better get back to work.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010; 8:08 am
So the other day I met a pervert on the MRT. The train was seriously packed like a can of sardines, at chinese garden, this guy came in and was beside me, his elbow was like touching mine and I don't mind because it was really very packed. Then at Jurong east, when the people all went out, I shifted to the other door so that I can get out easily later on at Dover. When I did it, he did it to. He shifted to a few steps away from me. I was starting to get suspicious of him, sixth sense I guess. Then I looked down naturally and saw his legs inching closer towards me, in my mind I was like "I knew it! Pervert alert! Beware!" Then his elbow was like touching mine again, so in my mind I was like thinking "Oie oie oie, what the **** are u trying to do u asshole!" Then I move further away, again he inched towards me until the elbow thing again. I was thinking "You go **** your mother la, ****er! If I'm wearing high heel, I'm so gonna make you trip so that I can 'accidentally' poke your eyes out with my heels and say 'ops sorry, my bad.' " Then I cleared my throat and switch my hands over to the other bar, he finally gets the message and inched away. So in my mind I was thinking "Glad you realised before I shout out 'What the hell you trying to do you asshole!', you better get out at the next station or else I will even if it means I'm going to be later than late." Then he left for clementi, that ****er, he's lucky I didn't catch a glimsp of his face or I'm gonna curse him until he drop on to the MRT tracks and get crushed by the MRT going by. Then I think the man in front of me, who was sitting down, saw the entire scene. He has no reaction until the pervert went off then he suddenly look up and glanced at me. WTF is this sia. GTH GTH GTH GTH GTH GTH GTH GTH GTH you ****ing pervert. !@#$@%%%$#%$&^(^&#^!#^%*&*)*(($%!#sdfaegdsfgrt/